Richard Hill

Name: Richard Hill Name: endorphin78

Instruments Played: Piano, Keyboards, Vocals


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Description: The Futurist Manifesto
The Idea of creating futurism, came from my experience of clubing and the current state of the Record industry. I wanted to create something that did not wallow in nostalgia but looked forward at new possibilities. I wanted to try and move away from manufactured, flash-in-the-pan success and focus on long term goals and ideas. 'The Futurist Manifesto' set's out this ideology below:
No More revivals or nostalgia! New space needs occupying!
Reviving the past can only go so far. Learn from it….don’t wallow in it!
A new sound! The Futurist sound is not just synths. Its music that thinks forward and doesn't shy away from risks. Risk made Pop in the first place. Now they can save it!
Manufactured? This is not! The moulds are splitting with over use!
Record companies are killing themselves with Synthetic talent.
A Shelf life of four years will not repay expenditure!
Short-termism leads to a fall! Think Forward>>>

NFO Song Title: For Your Pleasure